Fortnite Random Account 50 - 100 Skins *RARE*

Fortnite Random Account 50 - 100 Skins *RARE*

Regular price $120

✔ Login and Password from game account and email

✔ FA (Full-Access Account)

✔ The account works on PC, PS4, XBOX

✔ Random 50 - 100 skins 

Jackpot skins

-Ghoul Trooper

-Skull Trooper

-Skull Ranger

-Galaxy Skins


✔The substitute account is only available if there is a video confirming that the invalid account has been received. The film should include such moments as: payment for goods via PayPal, obtaining an account at the post office, checking the account on the tvideohe website ... In the absence of video and the presentation of any claims, no exchange is provided.

✔ Any chargeback = black list

✔ 7 Days Guarantees